Privacy Policy Disclaimer
The information on this site is provided “as is” without any warranties, express or implied, including but
not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or
noninfringement. Brighton Healthcare. makes no representation or warranty that the information
contained on this site will be timely or error free. Brighton Healthcare. has not reviewed all the sites
that may be linked to its sites and does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of any off-site
pages or any other sites linked to these sites. Your linking to such sites is at your own risk.
Website Privacy Policy
Thank you for visiting our website. Brighton Healthcare. appreciates your interest in our company
and facilities. Your privacy is important to us and we want you to feel comfortable visiting our site. Any
personal information that you may give us, including your e-mail address, is used only in the following
• In visiting our site, if you give us personal data in order to receive any type of information in return
from us, we collect and store that data. That information is helpful to better design our site because
we know the frequency of visits to the individual pages within our site.
• In visiting our site, if you view specific pages or download information from specific pages, we track
visits to those pages in order to measure the number of visitors to our web site. That information is
helpful to better design our site because we know which pages within our site are frequented.
However, we do not automatically collect your personal e-mail address simply because you visit our
site. All we know, based on the information that we collect, is the number of times on a date that a
particular page was visited.
• We may share aggregate demographic information with our partners. This is not linked to any
personal information that can identify you or any other visitor to our website. If we partner in the
future with a third party to provide services, when you sign up for these services we will share
names and other contact information that is necessary for our partner to provide these services.
These parties are not allowed to use your personally identifiable information except for the purpose
of providing these services.
Compliance Hotline
To report fraud, waste, or abuse, as well as any unethical or illegal behavior, please call 1.800.610.2544.
Calls can be anonymous. Retaliation of any kind will not be tolerated.